Integritas atau Kohesi Kelompok ditentukan oleh:
Pola interaksi anggota kelompoknya;
Identifikasi dan derajat identifikasi individu
dengan kelompoknya;
Astrid S. Susanto, 1983, Pengantar Sosiologi dan Perubahan
Sosial, Bina Cipta.
Do this hack to drop 2lb of fat in 8 hours
BalasHapusWell over 160 000 women and men are losing weight with a simple and SECRET "liquid hack" to burn 2lbs each and every night in their sleep.
It's scientific and it works on everybody.
Here's how you can do it yourself:
1) Hold a clear glass and fill it up half full
2) Now do this strange hack
and you'll be 2lbs thinner the very next day!