Kamis, 23 April 2015

MK, MSDM, Kemahiran Manajer


Auren Auris mengetengahkan 3 kategori kemahiran yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap manajer yaitu:
1.       Kemahiran yang bertalian dengan hubungan kerja kemanusiaan (human relation skill), seperti berkerja bersama bawahan, memupuk hubungan baik dengan atasan, memupuk kerjasama, dan koordinasi dengan manajer yang setingkat dan lain-lain;
2.       Proseduril dan administrative (procedural and administrative skills) seperti mengendalikan pekerjaan-pekerjaan tata usaha dan mempergunakan waktu kerja dengan efektif;
3.       Pribadi (personal skills), seperti pengaturan daya ingatan, pemusatan pemikiran dan lain-lain;

Sarwoto, tanpa tahun, Dasar Dasar Organisasi dan Manajemen, Penerbit Ghalia Indonesia,

1 komentar:

  1. In this manner my buddy Wesley Virgin's biography launches in this shocking and controversial VIDEO.

    You see, Wesley was in the army-and shortly after leaving-he revealed hidden, "MIND CONTROL" secrets that the CIA and others used to obtain everything they want.

    THESE are the EXACT same secrets lots of celebrities (especially those who "became famous out of nothing") and top business people used to become rich and famous.

    You probably know that you use only 10% of your brain.

    Mostly, that's because most of your brain's power is UNCONSCIOUS.

    Perhaps this expression has even taken place IN YOUR very own mind... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's mind about 7 years ago, while riding an unregistered, trash bucket of a vehicle with a suspended license and with $3.20 on his bank card.

    "I'm so frustrated with living paycheck to paycheck! Why can't I become successful?"

    You've taken part in those types of conversations, isn't it so?

    Your own success story is going to start. You need to start believing in YOURSELF.

    Take Action Now!
